Wednesday, October 24, 2007

No Balls, No Balls at All

The Democrats forced Pete Stark to apologize to Der Monkey Fuhrer. Word in the blogosphere is that Stark cut a deal, that he was told that if he agreed to apologize after the censure vote, it would fail, but if he didn't agree, it would pass. Even so, five of the most cowardly Democrats wasting our air voted with the Fascists Republicans.

So let's be clear on this: Republicans can say any manner of hateful things and nobody does anything. John Boehner (OH) called the deaths of Americans "a small price to pay" and nobody called for his head for minimizing the deaths of 4,000+ Americans and the maiming of 20,000 more.

But when a Democrat says something that is only slightly over-the-top and the Republicans get very upset, they demand an apology and the invertebrates in the Democratic party go along. Bush and his henchmen roll the Democrats over like a puppy every time they choose to do so.

The Democrats had better get a clue, here, and stop acting like "Republican-lite." If they don't, then the American voters are going to conclude that there really isn't a measurable difference between the two parties, for the only difference so far between the two seems to be that the Democrats give Chimpy everything he wants, only a little slower.

The Democrats had better find their spine and their balls as a political party. Otherwise, a lot of them had better brush up their resumes, for they are going to be looking for jobs after November of 2008.

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