Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Farewell, Mr. Templar

Sir Roger Moore has died. Besides playing the lead role in The Saint, he was the longest-serving of the actors who have played James Bond.

Of course, you know I'm going to embed this clip:

He was awarded a knighthood for charitable work on behalf of UNICEF.

RIP, Sir Roger.


  1. How many BD-5 jets ever flew?

  2. That one I guess. The BD-4 otoh was a pretty good cruiser, pioneering bonding and tube spars. Unfinished BD-5s can be found on Barnstormers very cheaply now and then. I think one was built to advertise beer, that's what they're good for, advertising gimmick.

  3. 3383, no idea. There's only a few that show up on the FAA's registry.

  4. Fun clip. I had forgotten all about it.
    Roger was one of my favorite Bonds. Suave & funny.

  5. Yep, Sir Roger was James Bond for me too. Sean Connery was good, but Roger Moore just kinda winked at the audience in a manner more subtle than Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool. There was a clear understanding that Roger took it all with a grain of salt and a modicum of disbelief, and it made the performances much more enjoyable. The modern Bond films, like the Connery ones, are thrillers at heart...Moore's Bomd films were more comedy mixed with action...and pretty girls, wearing as little as possible, while still getting a rating that would allow teen boys to get into the movies.

    For those that haven't seen it, "ffolkes" is a worthwhile Roger Moore movie from the early 80's. Roger again showing up as the odd individualist necessary to save the situation...plus there are cats.

  6. It is worth mentioning that the creator of The Saint was a Eurasian of English and Chinese ancestry.


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