Monday, December 22, 2008

Midnight Treats

In the middle of the night last night, I woke up to hear: "Ack! Ack! Ack! Blarf!"

Where that event took place was not immediately apparent this morning. I will have to do a cautious and detailed search this evening after I get home from Ye Olde Salte Mine.

Something to look forward to...


  1. Probably, but it wasn't in an obvious place.

  2. lol..mine seem to delight in finding unusual places to cough those things up.

  3. I found one of those "mystery gacks" when I was changing sheets the other day. Mencken (because he's the usual culprit) spewed it right down into the crack between the foot of the bed and the bedframe. Ick!

    Good luck with your search this evening :-).

    - Badtux the Sympathetic Penguin

  4. Heh -- I had one of those wake-up calls, too -- but the dog cleaned it up for me.

  5. I found traces of what might have been one under my dining room table.

    hard to say, though. (yuck)


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